Friday, August 29, 2014


A couple of weeks ago, the kids, David and I went to Virginia to see my aunts. We had a fantastic time. I just cannot tell you how wonderful it was. My aunts are very special to me, and the fact that they would carve time out of their schedule to invite us over and pamper us, is a gift I do not take for granted.

The kids love them. And they equally love my kiddos.

We were there for about 24 hours, but let me tell you. Those were 24 of the best hours of my whole summer. We stayed up until the wee hours of the morning talking, sharing stories, telling jokes, revealing souls - it was not short of amazing.
We played games, went on a hiking adventure, frolicked with kittens, shared yummy treats, and talked non-stop. Ah, I just can't express the refreshment I feel when in the presence of those two.

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