Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A good day

Written last Thursday and promptly forgotten when I walked through the door to my home where tired and cranky kids, who were unwilling to listen or obey, attacked me with their whines and cries.

But this is what I wrote and this part is worth remembering:

Today was the best.
Fall weather is here.
I wore a sweater today. :)

I had my yearly review this afternoon.
My boss expressed her appreciation, trust and gratitude.
It's so nice to be appreciated.
I do love where I work.

I had a midafternoon date with my husband.
Have I mentioned how much I love that his office is only 2 blocks away from mine now?
We met this afternoon for a coffee break.
We walked hand in hand through the city.
We sat at a table in the courtyard outside his building and talked nonstop for 15 minutes.
We carpooled to and from work.
Quality time really is my number one love language.

Today is a good day.

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